The original  independent Medical Centre in Sale was established in 1981 in Cunninghame Street. In 1995 the clinic moved to 49 Desailly Street into a purpose built building formerly housing a Dental practice.
It was rebranded as the Desailly Medical Centre in 1999. In 2010 the name was changed to Sale Medical Centre to better reflect the connection with the Sale community.
The Medical Centre undergoes accreditation every three years according to the Standards set by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. AGPAL is the accrediting body. Mrs Caryl Nicolson was one of the early accreditors with AGPAL. Through her efforts the Medical Centre was the first to be accredited east of Dandenong in 1995. We have always met the standards and exceeded them since that time. We are proud to be an accredited practice.
The medical personnel have always provided a complete medical service to the community. From infant vaccinations to care through pregnancy and end of life care.
The Sale Medical Centre has always been a teaching practice and has a long tradition of taking Medical Students from Monash and Melbourne Universities. In addition we provide student placements for Nursing Students from Federation University and for Medical Students from the John Flynn Scholarship program.
Sale Medical Centre has a long history of supporting community activities such as the Sale Show, the Central Gippsland Health Service and other community programs.